Community Aid and Development

Volunteering at a community aid project is an amazing way to make a lasting impact on some of the poorest communities in the world while being immersed in local culture.

Community aid volunteering focuses on developing important and lasting infrastructures which can include constructing and renovating buildings, supporting educational initiatives,  assisting with medical outreach and healthcare, creating sustainable business and tourism models and much more. Read more about Top 5 Reasons to Volunteer with Communities Abroad

Join us to provide Nepalese children with additional skills and boost their confidence to pursue their dreams. Volunteers will assist teachers with lessons in English, math, science and also engage in cultural exchange activities like sports and arts & crafts.



Volunteer in Nagano, Japan, with GoEco’s English Exchange program. Teach English skills through conversation while experiencing authentic Japanese culture through weekly activities like sushi making and hot spring visits.

Come to the island of Viti Levu to inspire and motivate local children who are at the start of their school careers. Apart from teaching English, you will have a unique opportunity to get these kindergartners excited about their future!